Dreams Along the Way Retreat Sanctuary: Silence. Nature. Peace. Beauty. My Dream Sanctuary is located in the beautiful Beaverhills UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The Wildlife Bird Sanctuary and Joseph Lake Provincial Park are close by… walking distance for those who like walking! The Sanctuary is easy access to Edmonton city and the Edmonton International Airport.
I believe human beings are innately wise, strong and kind. This wisdom, although not always experienced, is always present. Come and deepen your understanding of self, nature, silence, serenity and dream work. This is an opportunity to deepen or to begin the journey to reconnect to your innately whole inner self. My goal is to inspire people to slow down and experience their own authentic inner life through writing, meditation and understanding and learning from their own dreams.
I will devote two hours per day exclusively to you and your inner work. Working directly with your dreams, I will teach you as many ways as possible to learn from yourself about yourself. The other 22 hours in the day you are free to explore the farm and its beautiful surroundings and the cattle herd, beaver dams, forest trails, meditation bench and gardens. There are many cozy nooks, a front verandah and tree therapy in abundance. Buddy, my Australian shepherd loves company and will provide a dog companion should you like one. Garden therapy is also available throughout May to late September. The yard is in full bloom from early May until late October and attracts multiple bird species.
You may also choose to spend time in my beautiful sunroom, reading in the library or cooking in the kitchen. You will be expected to prepare or assist with meal preparations. Coffee, tea, water and the refrigerator are well stocked.
This retreat experience is open to up to a maximum of three people at one time. We will share meals. You are welcome to accompany me as I go about my day with the exception of my study and private writing time! I do spend many hours with writing.
Two basement bedrooms. One with single and one with double bed. There is a 1/2 bath, couches, chairs, a large writing desk, and media player.
If necessary, I will pick you up and return you to the airport. Round trip about 75 kms.
$1025 (5 consecutive days) includes dream work with Pearl 2 hours minimum, meals, accommodation and transportation to and from airport, if necessary.
Depending on flight schedule, I prefer afternoon or early evening..
About your hostess:
I began studying dreams in 1988 when pushed to the edge by clinical depression that had lasted my entire adult life. Book I, Dreams Along the Way, I, the Woman, Planted the Tree: Journey through Dreams to the Feminine was published in December 2018. Authoring Self: Journey through Dreams to the Feminine published May 2019 and Cauldron of the Feminine published March 2020. In May 2021, A Journey through Dreams: Your Journal was published on Amazon where you can purchase the entire series.
I have worked with dozens of women and several men from all walks of life. They experience the warm and gentle love of their own inner guides. Dream work is not for the faint of heart. It requires deep courage to become aware of who we really are and to be in touch with our authentic soul/self. Be open to hearing the voice of your soul. Learn to listen with deep hearing. You can find testimonials below from some Dream Sanctuary participants. Also, there are many book reviews on this site as well.
“Be relentless in your looking because you are the one you seek.” -Rumi
Canadian participants: Please pay via internet banking. My email is pecgregor@gmail.com
Outside Canada: Please use Pay Pal below. Total cost including additional banking fees: $1025.00 Cdn.
Pay $1025.00 Cdn.
(5 consecutive days) includes dream work with Pearl 2 hours minimum, meals, accommodation and transportation to and from airport, if necessary.