We are All One: This is your invitation to join the Alberta Circle of Light spreading round the world

Please Join us

Beth McCann, of Yoga with Beth and Pearl Gregor, Dreams Along the Way 

Let’s heal ourselves and others through remaining present and sending our love and light in to the Universe.

We Begin each evening at 7 pm. Quantum physics tells us love energy is all around us. We need only sit and know. 

Sit comfortably and settle.

Take a deep breath and breath into your heart (chakra) center.

Chant Om three times. If you would like a primer on OM click here.


Then, imagine a pillar of light in front of you and repeat slowly 3 times

I am created by Divine Light,

I am supported by Divine Light,

I am surrounded by Divine Light,

I am ever growing into Divine Light.

Feel, see and sense the pillar of light filling you and sending out healing light for all.

Your meditation may be as short (5 minutes) or as long (20 …. Or ) as you wish.

Please remember to join us every evening through the months ahead as we lean into the reality of the changing universe.

Beth McCann, Yoga with Beth, and author of Awakening Sleeping Beauty: coming soon on

Pearl Gregor, Phd., Dreams Along the Way, Author of Trilogy of Memoir.

I, the Woman, Planted the Tree: A Journey through Dreams to the Feminine

Authoring Self: A Journey through Dreams to the Feminine

Cauldron of the Feminine: A Journey through Dreams

Other resources may include music such as Returning to the Mother of All found at


or a recent poem http://www.lynnungar.com/poems/pandemic/   by Lynn Ungar, March 11, 2020.

LOOK FOR  Beth at bmccann@telus.net Watch for Beth’s forthcoming book Awakening Sleeping Beauty: My Journey through the Chakras

Find Pearl at https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=pearl+e+gregor&ref=nb_sb_noss

https://dreamsalongtheway.com or https://www.facebook.com/pecgregor/ and  https://www.linkedin.com/in/pearl-gregor-phd-843a8912/


“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

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