Circle of Dreamers! Begins again in January, 2023 plus NEW Introductory Circle Offer

“Turn! Turn! Turn!” A few years ago, I got a very strange invitation. I say strange because a message arrived via my website inviting me to a college campus as a Dream Reader at a Halloween party. Smiling, I agreed. And when Halloween arrived, I presented myself at the door of a College gymnasium filled with Halloween adventurers. I had the best time ever! Several folks came, sat down in my “chair” beside my crystal

ball and …I learned that everyone loves a good dream. Or, if not, perhaps they suffer from some deep psychic event. Or perhaps their inner dreamer has gone on a permanent sabbatical.

It’s nearly December The month of Christ born again as the season changes and moves into winter. Winter speaks of hibernation. Speaks of long nights of dreaming, visions and intuitions.    Perhaps you have a fireplace where the family can gather and share stories of dreams. Perhaps you are ready to begin the deep deep journey through dreams to discover your authentic inner self. Perhaps you have books filled with unprocessed dreams wondering what they could all mean. They mean a great deal. Don’t miss out on your inner world wisdom much longer. Sign up and join a circle of women Dreamers. And, of course, a few brave men as well.

In 2021, there are a lot of conversations about the “real” you. But ego consciousness is such a trickster! The authentic self is not concerned with the superficialities of talk, clothes, or makeup. It could not care one whit about what we call, “success.” Nope. The authentic self is more concerned with your growth in soul life toward your remarkably unique soul agenda. What is your soul agenda? I discovered mine in February 1989. It wasn’t easy. It has required that I dig up my entire life story,  excavate my early life and then go ahead and root up nearly every belief I ever had and come to realize that my greatest fear, my fear of stepping out of my tribe into my own healing power is, well, also my greatest potential.

So, I have spent more than 30 years in this process both learning from and teaching to. It was March 1990 when a voice spoke from the back seat of my car. Yup. You read that right. A voice. Speaking. In my car. Just your average, ordinary, everyday voice. “Write Dreams Along the Way.” I continued driving toward Wainwright where I was scheduled to facilitate a secondary social studies teacher workshop beginning at 9:00 am.  “Write dreams along the way,” said the voice. I continued driving. “Write dreams along the way.” In desperation, I stopped the car, got out, walked around. Back in the car, the voice repeated with a tad more authority, “Write dreams along the way.” “All right already!!” And that evening, I began my story of healing through dreams and by 2015, I was writing what are now three books. Yes, you can find those books at These books are finding their way around the world. The latest reader I have been gifted to know comes from Europe. I am so deeply grateful for the dream clients who work with me from many places around the world.

Is it time for a new habit? A new adventure? A new life-changing process? An inner process rather than outside focused projects? Is it time to record your dreams? To study your dreams? Is today the first day you step into lifelong learning where you learn to work with dream symbols and learn to know your own inner world. 

Are you trying to solve problems simply with your ego consciousness? Are you evaluating the world around you with the same tools as those you have used your whole life? What are you afraid of? What about your inner authentic self do you not wish to know?

ACT SOON!  Go to and order my Dream Journal together with one or more of my books. If you are within 50 km of my home and you wish to have me deliver your book(s), be sure to get in touch with me via

You may think you are your average unremarkable person living an unremarkable life. What if I told you that you could learn an entire world of mythology through your dreams? Yes, you must read, pay attention to your dreams, and yes, perhaps even study! Perhaps you will be lucky enough to meet Inanna or Enheduanna? What does it really mean to be truly and fully human?  We explore the realms of myth because we long for a time when magic was part of life, the veil between the worlds was thin, and there just might be a dragon in the next glen or an enchantress in the far tower.

Learn to look to dreams for cultural change for depth, for healing, for life and for adventures.

YOU ARE INVITEDTO REGISTER Below FOR a Free Saturday, December 20 from 7:30 to 9:00 pm MST for an evening of a sample Dream circle round “the fire” with me.

I’ll tell you a mythological story. We’ll work with a dream or two from one of those who come to the Circle. We’ll work with some questions and some characters who appear in your dreams. We will spend some time in meditation diving deep within.

OR, Register for an Introductory Circle of three sessions. Cost $40.00. Dates: Wednesday evenings December 7, 14, and 21, 2022 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Register Below

This circle will continue after Christmas, 2022 if interest continues. Or, join either the Tuesday Dream Writer’s Myth Circle or the Friday one. Go to Registration Here.

Free Saturday, December 20

YOU ARE INVITEDTO REGISTER Below FOR a Free Saturday, December 20 from 7:30 to 9:00 pm MST for an evening of a sample Dream circle round “the fire” with me.

I’ll tell you a mythological story. We’ll work with a dream or two from one of those who come to the Circle. We’ll work with some questions and some characters who appear in your dreams. We will spend some time in meditation diving deep within.

One Free Evening - December 20

Dream Reader's Circle For Three Evenings

Register for an Introductory Circle of three sessions.

Cost: $40

Dates: Wednesday evenings December 7, 14, and 21, 2022 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm.

Dream Reader's Circle For Three Eveings

    Dream Reader's Circle of three evenings December 14, 15, and 21

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