In the next few months, I will post dream work ideas. Please join me. I don’t promise to post regularly. Life with dreams, retirement, being an author, living the best life ever, I try desperately to avoid any semblance of schedules!
“I NEVER remember my dreams.”
- First, stop saying that. Then set an intention: “I intend to remember a dream tonight.” Repeat. Often. And prepare to do just that.
- On your nightstand, somewhere you can easily reach, place your pen, pencil and journal. Be sure your journal is dated that evening. You are ready to remember your dreams.
- As you begin that drowsy drop into sleep, repeat, “I will remember a dream tonight.”
- When you dream, quickly sketch, write, scribble as many details as you can remember into your Dream Journal! I will have beautiful journals for sale very very soon! #marketing101
- In the morning, move very slowly and reflectively as you wake up. If you have the luxury, wake up without an alarm. Slowly rerun your night backward. Remember the dream. Or, slowly ask yourself questions like, “Did I dream?” “Who was in my dream?” Think of the people in your family. Mom, dad, brothers, sisters, favorite or not so favorite other members. Friends? Bosses? Colleagues? Places? Rooms in your house? Aspects of a movie, books or other visual experience in which you have been involved.
- Write your dream. Give it a title. Date your dream.
- Write quickly. Flow. Fast. Let the words, images, dream flow out of your pen onto the page. Do not edit. Do not censor. Write ONLY and PRECISELY the events in the dream. What happened? Who was there? And then. And then. And ….
- Make no revisions! In the evening, re-read your dream slowly. Savor every image. Thank your dream for coming. Prepare for the second dream.
- Congratulations! You have remembered your very first dream!
In our next post, we’ll look at a way to begin to discover the gold in your dream!