Tag Archives: #divine feminine #dreams

Dream Readers’ and Writers’ Myth Circle … Celebrating! One full year of Circling!

The Dream Readers’  and Writers’ Myth Circle is the result of requests from A Trilogy of Dreams Along the Way Readers!! You are so welcome to join us in  One of Three Different Circles! I answer questions and we chat about your questions and comments. I share a writing prompt each Circle time. And together […]

A Spiritual Moon Encounter in honor of April 7, 2020 Full Moon

Look In the west, a soft pearl, fog-swaddled moon hangs white glowing over the early morning ribbon of icy highway.  A thought of an encounter.  Encountering.  What is the moon?  A thought that an encounter with the moon isn’t ordinary.  What’s ordinary?  How does the moon evoke me?  Perhaps an encounter with the moon is […]

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